Saturday, February 27, 2016


Realisations happen at unexpected places and times. Venue being Subway 32 and I cannot make out what was the trigger. The young entrepreneurs at this outlet, seem a different lot. Unlike the prevailing norm in the area, these guys are behind the counter taking/making orders and works alike. I make it a point, to exchange a few words apart from the sandwich business. I speak Punjabi.

Where language is a barrier, I understand the use of common language - English. However, when so is not the case, where is the need to use non-native language unless we are at shortage of words to explain a matter! Such is the prevailing thought, that one deliberately speaks in English so as to be taken seriously. The long gone so called British Raaj, till date has its impressions within us. The one who speaks English is still treated as Sahib, by those who feel intimidated by the language.

I need to understand as to why are we so intimidated by white skin - as to why do we consider white skin better than coloured or black. Need some introspection. Is it for we let go of our beliefs, allowed the whites to sneak in and eventually rule us ? Were we weak, were we outsmarted - what is the case ? With growing number of my countrymen getting exposure overseas and seeing white skin fare in their way in their land, perception is changing and complex diminishing; but there remains a majority of my countrymen who at some level are still ruled by the WHITES !

Speaking Punjabi, the introspection continues ....

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