Wednesday, March 9, 2016


The journey is in the mind. There is no physical journey, but it all is self journey. We come across things, we see, we learn, we change and we no longer are the same. Repetition is not possible, as innocence of the first time is gone. However, what we do of that learning depends from individual to individual. But the law is clear -  it is never the same as the first time.

Have read this many a times at many instances, but realisation of it as it happens, is coming in lately. Earlier there was anguish, as to why was I made to go through this and that, why was I made to learn (playing the victim game) - too comfortable in my pattern and not realising that this is the way to go; rather it is the only way to go. The world EVOLVE - when it actually happens to you, this is how you feel.

Maybe it is with all, I as a person so wanted to hold on to my old impressions and ways in mind, but as it has been happening, the flow of life is just sweeping the old and bringing in the new. It is all fluid. I guess we are comfortable with the known and apprehensive of the unknown, well knowing that the thrill is in the unknown.

All this is written many a times by many a people and this piece is no different - but point is, it really is so. It is all fluid.

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