Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer of 24

It's 0428 hours and I cant believe that there is a break …… finally a break. I have opened all the doors for cross ventilation, with a satiated mind that the walls and the roof would heave a sigh of relief from the onslaught. The onslaught of this summer - the summer of 2024 which has been different in so many ways.

Now I feel, weather changes are cyclical assuming that the powers that be did not deploy weather modification systems - what this years summer stands out is the way the temperatures have ranged in the mid 40 degree celsius range for more than six weeks straight - without a break; this I had not seen in my 40+ years of existence this far. Someone is asking “where are we headed” while others are rhyming in chorus the magical words - Global Warming. I personally will not give too much importance to human and his doings; human is too small a blip in the larger scheme of things - called Life.

So yea as I write, the sound of thunder is most pleasing to ears and is no less than Godsend AAKASH VANI. The sound of lashing rain can be best described as orgasmic - oh yeah bring it on. While I would love to bitch and moan about all that happened and how we got through the last six weeks - but thats not how you express thankfulness isn't it; although I am pretty sure some future Bryan Adams would sing a song titled - SUMMER OF 24

Happy and Thankful for the break - RAIN RAIN COME AGAIN

for record at Delhi

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