Sunday, May 19, 2024


It is hot and hot is should be - every season has it meaning whatever we might say - bottomline is, its good to be above surface to witness another summer.

Being a Sunday, thought I should brush up on the blog side of life. For the last seven weeks, I have by choice put my body (which was way out of shape) through a new regimen. This regimen that I speak of, is incorporating all that I have learned through years of foolhardiness - inside and outside of the gym. This time around, I am trying not to tighten myself too much, trying not to think ahead of time, trying to re-learn patience; which I think is the biggest of all. Having said it - I am also trying to give up controlling my fate, for it is plain stupid and utterly futile in my ultra minuscule view of life. It is what it is and it will be what it will be. I cannot let my imagination pregnant with fear run amok and create something totally disconnected, which further starts dictating the way I do things in physical reality.

So yeah… easy Surdy as Mallu used to say - easy it is and easy is the way. Nobody said easy means lazy or just giving up and being a sitting duck - but doing what I can do, knowing that I do not control my fate and should things turn a way not in line with me - that I will be ok and more than ok knowing that I did what I could.

So no complaints compadre, rather I have no right to complain but I shall continue to earn my blessings and try learning all that I am yet to learn - which by the way is limitless. So my task is cut.

Easy Surdyyy

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