Saturday, April 8, 2017


This is my second try and this time around I would try to make sense. Unlike the previous one where emotions and chaos prevailed and not a word held any meaning.

Say this my protest. Say this my little voice for the wrong.

A few days back, I was left more than disturbed coming across a video of the victims of Syria gas attack. Particularly in that part of the world (Middle East) peace has been elusive; and if my memory serves me correct, ever since I was 10 years old. Certainly there are other motives than peace, as otherwise no sham of a self declared Peace Monger State would fire missiles into a country which doesn't even seem to have posed an indirect threat, let alone a direct threat. Even if it did, there were so many other ways to neutralise it.

It is not my country today, so I wake up to a usual day, do my usual thing and the day ends. But who is to say, that there may never come a day when our country crosses path with one of these bully states ? Thats a micro perspective with a stink of selfishness. Syria not being the first case, there have been many examples before where normal people leading simple lives had their world turned upside down for no reason at all. Just that their head of state had fallen apart with a gang of bullies, how were they to be victimised ?

The governments are elected by us to give a sense of order to things. I think, that was the original idea when the first representatives were ever elected. That idea is LONG GONE. Really long gone. We are fed to believe what the Government wants us to believe, a sense of confusion is induced in the heat of moment and they have their agenda through. Whatever it might be, but essentially it is to control us. We the people are wrong, and it is we the people who though our inactions at critical moments, bring us to a point where we are nothing but helpless.

Casually browsing sometime back, I came across this ⇣

Not going on the face value of it, I think I now understand the meaning of these words.

Let us not get lost on the next model of iPhone, let us not get lost paying our instalments, let us not get lost in media induced consumerism. Let us not be the ones who pretend ignorant just because it isn't happening to us now. Let us stop living in denial. We are all connected. More than any of the readers reading this, the words in this para are a revision for me; that I imbibe and never forget.

We are all connected.

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