Sunday, March 26, 2017


Another posting to my digital memoir, although a while late yet I sit and type with nothing specific in my mind.

The experience seems to be as floating through time, with no sense of benchmarking or control. Just realisations all around. The more I float, the more I realise that the basic idea was to float only; that somewhere this wrong programming creeped in and made me believe otherwise, that I had control. As I realise, as I look inside, I find there is more and more to shed. Un-necessary complications which are detrimental to the way of life, I find aplenty within. Then I wonder, will this life be enough to get rid of all the wrong learnings and live free the way I am to ? I can't say. 

For now, I feel happy that at least I am able to see and accept my wrongs - that, step one has started. What it leads me to, where it leads me to, is a pointless thought that I have long left behind. One thing is for sure - with imperfections abound - in no way I can point finger at anyone. 


Work on self, lot to learn and a lot to grow.

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