Wednesday, October 18, 2017

non Freedom

I remember a few times when Malik sir mentioned about freedom to people, to work as they want to, to do as they wish to.

This morning I read how Delhi government is marching on to ban diesel gensets, then there is this ban to burn fire crackers in the area, and ban this and ban that. The underlying constant in all this - BAN. I am not doubting the intent here, but I am scrutinising their way of doing things ? So the government/authorities have taken citizens to be imbeciles, a bunch of irresponsibles who have no idea how to lead life. The same very people who would be running their households and enterprises in acceptable responsible way are deemed inept, and blame squarely placed on majority sans them. Who is to say what constitutes the majority ?

The government WAS supposed to govern right ? Do I see governance here ? If situation has come to a point where you have to put bans in place to safeguard basic interests; implies something has been wrong for a while now. Government being comprised of people who themselves embody the same social values as society in whole, did/would do whatever their intelligence would guide them to (presuming that some aspect of intelligence existed in first place). As it has been proven over the years, intelligent people have been absent from such positions. Governance has devolved to control, with very basic premise given for large populace not being wise enough to think well for themselves. When has that been the case ever ? People can think for themselves - be it from any rung of the society, educated or not - matters not. We all come with that inbuilt survival chip. When people can think for their own, then where has it gone wrong ? From my limited perspective and intelligence, partly I would say there would be wrong representatives in Government who have gone on some mental trip completely forgetting purpose of their job. Partly some evil elements in society, which form the perfect alibi for government control. Majorly I would attribute it to isolation. Isolation in terms - community attribute has almost diminished; leave community, now even family is going to tatters. Now our limit of concern is only within our four square walls, anything outside just don't move us. How far is the time, when we will just be confined to own self and own self alone ? Not long.

It would seem that I am going off the handle here, but so be it. All the wise men from past and present have/are saying that we all are one, we all are connected. We lookout for ourselves and people around us; we wont need much to be governed, we would self govern. People are just free to do what they wish to; that there exist no definitions of Right and Wrong. That there be no methodology on how to live, no rulebook or religion to guide us but our own consciousness. And all is fine. 

Should I stop here ? I should lest I give you all my version of Martin Luther King's - I have a dream speech. Mind opening up. Realisations all around. Thats all there is.

My solemn prayer, that we all rise above our mindsets and find our true potential, find that heaven within.


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