Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A2 - 504

When we were first introduced, you were all that I could have ever wanted (at least then). Private, clean and amply spacious for a single man to live. Your owners were and still are very kind. They took possession of you, just for I needed a place to move on short notice.

You hosted numerous evenings (alone & in company) and not once disappointed anyone who walked through your door. Your kitchen is a place I shall forever revere, for its where I became a chef in my own eyes (at least). The place where I experimented a numerous times, till I got that base tadka just perfect. That being done the rest were just concoctions - Chicken, Rajmah, Chane, Dal and so on.

From early morning black brew to late evening spirits you stood your ground, always providing me with ample space to dwell into my minds misgivings. No escape, no running away - facing the evil within, as is where is. The period of stay, has been that of transformation with many an un-necessary load left behind.

I am grateful that I had the opportunity to live this phase of life and have the experience. Many thanks to the owners, who never once let me feel like an outsider in the place, allowing a deeper experience of stay.

For my mischief I ask for forgiveness; for giving invaluable experience and hosting me for 20 months, I thank in abundance.

Thank You A2 - 504; you'll live in me.

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