Saturday, July 23, 2016


Don't know when where and how, but we sure have gone and are going wrong BIG time - strictly in my opinion.

Gift of life meant for joy, tenaciously reduced to servitude.

The very book (Constitution), the very people (Government) elected by the masses for facilitation of their own growth and sustenance, has and have become their Lord. Telling what to do what not to do, where to go where not to go, what to consume what not to consume, who to be with who not to be with - basically trying to define our way of life. NATURE - the self evolving system that brings about smart young generation, who can think for their own good/bad than being told, is being jealously ignored. Curbing the individual in zillion ways, is human potential that scary ? So accustomed have we become to the ways and means, that we look forward to being told than digging in our own self as to what to do. Is evolution that harsh that we have resigned to the comfort of not thinking ? Doesn't that sound like borderline case of SLAVERY ?

Before it comes to the people around, if I can unshackle myself of this systematic binding will I be of any good. And how sad it is...I mean what a waste - the precious formative young years are wasted in learning the nonsense, and the remaining un-learning it - i.e. to say if at all you start seeing the wrong in formative learnings, which majority happen to be okay with. We have not only learnt to live in apathy and sadness, but made it as a way of life. Like my own father now and then says - ZINDAGI SANGHARSH HAI.

As eyes are opening - I vision a sea of spiritless, maimed goats rushing towards the slaughter house. Yes - RUSHING is the word. Varying in intensity almost all put up a fight initially, however its just the very few that get away with it. Rightfully so, at this point I am reminded of a scene from the movie 'Invasion' starring Nicole Kidman - Carol along with her son Ollie is running from the virus infected lot, when she bumps into her friend (Ben). Presuming that Ben isnt infected and soon realising that she was wrong, Carol tries to get away from Ben and he says - "We were wrong to fight them. You know its right, Carol. You know that fighting us is fighting for all the wrong things. We have to stop you......."  HOW TRUE IS THAT !! Thats exactly what the system does to you and mind you, those infected aren't strangers to you, they are very much among you (rather for majority) they are the people closest to you.

I had heard of Jiddu Krishnamurti long back, but being in my grind didn't come around to know what the man had to say. Lately by chance, bumped into a few of his writings. If people of the likes Krishnamurti/Osho could see it CLEARLY and say about it LOUDLY way back in 1950's, and still humanity chose to race downwards - then what lies ahead of us, is any child's guess.

This piece is to document what I am discovering and going through; which am sure many of us have heard and read a few times (in much better words). However, I am expressing my sense of appalment at this moment that knowing where we are headed - none of us care to stop and change course. We keep living in denial, rather coax the fellow travellers to follow the same, glorifying tales of the slaughter house as had been done to us by our respective agents of society.

Having said all this, what remains to be seen is what do I do about it for myself. Many before me would have had much higher awareness, yet strayed for reasons. What will I do, is the question at hand and thats one question - which remains only for TIME to answer.

For now I continue digging.

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