Saturday, July 9, 2011

G.C – P S Salar

Parambir Amarbir
Today I dropped my nephew Parambir at IMA Dehradun for his training for induction into the Indian Army. To last for 18 months, the timeline would see him graduate from a gentleman cadet to an officer of the Indian Army. A proud feeling it is to know that someone close from our family has made it to the armed forces.

Parambir has shared his enthusiasm with me in many of my adventures and the guy’s spirit has ever been undaunted. We both get excited talking about same topics, and hold similar viewpoints on their  execution….there is a frequency match so as to say. I have seen him grow up with me, being the younger son of my eldest sister. A level headed bloke, with a decent outlook towards life…he is a good guy. So while I have played my part in encouraging/at times endorsing him to do the things he wanted, I believe it was my role as a MAMA.

Noon time we reported to reception area of the barracks, where Amarbir & I were shown to sit at a separate place as Parambir was commanded to fill a form. His last day as a civilian, it certainly was a day of days and there was no way I would have missed it. His life is going to change forever, and for good. I respect him as a guy, for he is following his heart’s call. Ever from the word of sitting in the exams, to taking the interview in Allahabad, to getting his medicals cleared in Chandimandir..…this chap sailed through. Before we parted today, I expressed to him, what a lucky guy he is and what an amazing way of life he has chosen.

Sitting in that hall as Parambir filled his form; reading inspiring slogans....”DON’T DIE FOR YOUR COUNTRY, MAKE THE ENEMY DIE FOR HIS” and about General Thimayya, I was a bit overwhelmed. Not that I was reading about war heroes & history for the first time, but this time, there was a sense of belongingness to institution of the Indian Army, as one of my own was becoming a part of it.

My parting lines being from the movie Braveheart…”HAVE THE COURAGE TO FOLLOW YOUR HEART”

Godspeed: G.C – P S Salar

1 comment:

Capt Suresh Sharma said...

My best wishes to you all ! Parambir is an excellent boy!