Monday, May 6, 2019

Wall Plates

Living Room plates

Last year whilst furnishing the flat, we happened to meet Mr. Punjeet Singh - an associate for one of the major online furniture retailers. He promptly directed us to Mora Taara when enquired about wall plates, suggesting that what his brand sold were brittle and for lack better word - SHITE

It has happened to me many times personally, and I just cannot shake off memory of that day. Finally today, I looked through my card statements to get my facts straight, before I penned this piece. It was April last year that we purchased the first 3 of our (now 9) plates from May I say impressive from the word GO; sturdy packing, fine finish and solid material. Boys from office came over to install as we guided them the levels. It was late in evening, so nevertheless didn't have much of time to adore the decor and the new look of living room.

The very next day I was ready to leave for office and for some reason just happened to sit on the couch, bang opposite the wall with plates. It was getting late but I continued with adoration of recent purchase. In time I was suggested by Lady Gill that if I didn't feel like going, might as well change and sit more relaxed. Adoration continued. Moments later, I thought that since I am so enjoying what I am doing, might as well pour me a drink ! It was heaven. Music, a few drinks, comfy environment, dark with blinds with no scorching sun-rays, my admiration of plates continued till late afternoon. Wherein, it made sense to call it a day and I promptly hit the sack.

Sitting their glaring on a few plates on the wall, with not a care for anything else, doing what I wanted to do right there and then - it just made me happy. I loved it. Many a times I rejoice in the memory of that day. A very small thing to do, but I did it. Thanks Punjeet for paving way for that moment and thanks eternal for giving me the opportunity to enjoy.


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