Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Day

Happy New Year everyone. Its been a while that typo got the best of me and probably for the best. Life is coming back on track thanks to my intent and will amidst far too many distractions around. But that is not what I am here to rant about; its about this day.

Lady Gill wanted to go out and I was cozy in our four walls with this and that to do. One thing that I have learnt in year one of marriage - being flexible really helps. There is no point in dragging feet, when the other person is really not asking much. My old self tried to show the weather app with showers expected and uphill rush due to anticipated snowfall - but may I say, I have learnt a little.

Off the lot of us went uphill, accompanied with my customised version of hip-flask. Nice, cool, overcast day with moderate traffic. We snaked our way up as Suduaya tracks dictated the mood. Turned towards Kasauli and stopped at a clean and catchy looking place - DIPPY's

Over the counter I found a gentleman wearing cap to whom I asked 'Do you serve liquor ?' prompt came the reply 'You got yours ?' to which I nodded yes and I was asked to go ahead but to have it on the low low. I was impressed with the quick back and forth exchange of words and lightning fast resolution of the HIGH issue, which is a priority on days as such.

We chose to sit in balcony knowing interiors being cozy - hey, we were out to be out right ? It was pretty cold, penetrating through jeans the temperature of 4 degrees could not be ignored. The lady had her cap out and we went about sitting, snacking, chit chatting and occasionally bbbburrring. Unbeknown to us, our shiver was being noticed and as it happened, acted upon. Much to our surprise and warming our hearts, the cap chap guided one of his fellows to place a coal heater next to Lady Gill. This gesture - as they say - touched us at the right spot. What else could one want - nice company, nice food, nice weather, nice place, good hospitality - we were truly thankful. On our way out, got to know that cap chap was the owner Mr. Depander Sharma who by that time had left. Personally wanted to meet him and express my joy and thankfulness, but did ensure, that the staff was happy as we moved out. So, naturally out of my experience their comes this high recommendation for all, to stop by Dippy's, whenever passing by and lookout for Mr. Dippy.

Way back, masala Maggi and chai by a good roadside stall was the final wrap to a day well spent. You see, learnings do pay you. Could not have asked for more - a good start to the New Year.

Happy New Year everyone and don't forget to count your blessings !

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