Thursday, November 24, 2016

word meaning

Yesterday I came across a video sent on Whatsapp of Capt. Amrinder Singh of PPCC. During his dialogue he refers to another gentleman as a PIPSQUEAK. As a practice I searched for the word meaning; thanks to Google which has authoritatively taken over age old Oxford and Webster dictionaries. I wrote the word down a few times alongwith its meaning, for memorising.

I realized, that not too long ago when internet was not that inclusive in our daily lives, I used to write new words alongwith meanings in my diary; an effort to learn and improve my vocabulary. The days when grammatical english was in trend. Lately, the language has been interspersed with ethnicity driven slang, and too often these days when you search a word, you are taken to the link of

English is no longer UK English, it is now global english. As for I, resume with old pracice of learning, writing and memorising for better.

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