Thursday, July 14, 2016

Leh 2016

I had heard of a few of my knowns who had done travels to Ladakh and Spiti on the state transport bus. Then recently - for reasons - a friend of mine had to send his wife and kids from Ladakh via the State Transport route. Buoyed by their feedback, a trip to Ladakh suddenly sounded exciting. Having done Leh by air, by two wheels, by four wheels - it was time to do the same on six wheels. As part of the overland truck tours his company (Green Dot Expeditions) conducts, my friend Capt. Suresh was camping in Leh in his overland truck - TAURUS. Without giving much time for mind to exercise what it does best – got the flight done and I was committed. Flew into Leh and reached the location where Taurus was parked; behind Spituk Gompa, besides Indus river.

the view flying in

Captain Suresh (army vet) is one of his kinds in this country. A right man, in wrong place, at wrong time. A country, where more than majority have the mission of life as getting settled, having family life and doing well financially; Captain is doing what he wants, despite his circumstances and whatever life has been throwing at him. I have been seeing his posts on Facebook, his regular updates, right from the build of Taurus to execution of overland tours (for which he made this truck). This man is a testament, is a hope for human spirit. I went in with no expectations, just wanting to try something new, just wanting to kill a few days of my life – and as it happened, it was one of its kind experience. Apart from the very visible, i.e. to say having outdoor life experience in the lap of nature with a touch of most possible luxury – I was left in awe with how this whole thing is actually making it happen. One really needs to have an eye for detail to see what has actually gone into building this truck. Be it the electrical systems (with backup), filtration systems, field kitchen (offering some amazing food), field toilet, disposal systems, onboard accommodation facilities (for 11 souls) - one can only appreciate and nothing else. I would not be surprised, if a team of the best of world’s engineers came to inspect the vehicle and gave it a Certificate of Appreciation. Knowing that it has been built by a man, solely with his vision – it is to be seen to be believed.

with Taurus

If not for anything else, I would recommend anyone to go spend a few days aboard Taurus as a tribute to a man who is living his dream despite all the odds. The world needs more of such men/women. Go and see, that there are people who just don’t give up, who just don’t buckle under pressure, whose sole purpose is to live their lives the way they want to and not how the system wants them to.

With home being Taurus, it was time to explore the place. Went on drive to find some Aryans in their  villages - Dha, Hanu, Garkon and Dharchik. Back in 2009 when we rode by these villages, the entry was banned and was strictly through a permit; we were unable to sneak in then.

with Dharchik Namberdar and wife

Now, the permits have been revoked and one can freely visit. Not going into the history of Aryans and how they settled there, today you still can see remnants of true lineage of Alexander’s army – tall, big, blue eyes with European features. I doubt how long the real ones will remain – owing to cross breeding – but there are still a few left today. Thanks to Indian Army liaison, we were hosted in the house of Namberdar of village Dharchik and had a first look at their attire, their kitchen and their hospitality. The fresh apricots were really sweet – it was good, it was different.

with Col. Bhatia (2nd from L), other officers and Capt. Suresh (Centre)

On the way back, Indian Army hosted us a warm lunch thanks to the Army tradition – one gunner to another gunner. Found Col. Bhatia (CO 95 FD REGIT) to be a fellow HOG and a spirited Army officer; my thanks to him, had a good experience the FAUJI WAY.

Soon enough 3 days were gone and my ticket was booked on HRTC bus from Leh to Keylong; just  the way I wanted to. You yourself will have to do it, to get the experience but I will always remember those 15 hours in the State Transport bus. 25% of the travellers were foreigners, of which I found there were 3 types; Hippie type, who were really low on budget – Adventure type, who had their kayaks atop the

HP 66A 1480 - the ride back

bus so they could kayak their way to wherever from Sarchu – Explorer type, who were there to see and experience just as me. By the end of 15 hours, going through that terrain, there was a sense of camaraderie among travellers and bus crew.

good food & stay - right next to Keylong bus stand

Came Keylong, and I shook hands with the bus crew thanking them for bringing safe at destination, before checking into hotel for the night. Took the first morning bus from Keylong to Chandigarh – apart from the burst brake line and the wait for its replacement – it was a regular journey and 17 hours later I was back to square one. I now say that I have a new found sense of respect for the HRTC drivers - my KUDOS to you all.

Worth the experience – YES, totally. 

It was a good Leh 2016.

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