Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Thought this Morning

This morning there was this flash of thought - that man is always struggling to keep ahead of the pincer movement of bills and expenses. No matter how much you have, it just doesn't seem to be enough. I am not thankless, yet at the same time I live in a world surrounded by hungry dogs and the only way I feel I can survive them, is that I have more. Now myself having written it, there seems no logic to the statement but I believe thats my natural instinct kicking in - eat or get eaten.

I believe you have to engage with this wild pack of dogs for you have to learn and evolve with their techniques, that is to say, to stay current (as the pilot terminology goes) and if not, at some point or the other you would be hoodwinked into a state / position of loss. So while one is at it, why not make a buck or two or even more - that is the whole logic. 

There are days when you see the ugliness of it and you question yourself, do you still need to continue doing this ? But then everyday, things are only getting tougher / tighter economically and morally; there is always some new expense around the corner, some unanticipated money dole out which was never there in all your years of existence. So yeah it's a race, and an endless one that only culminates with this life. There are no complaints, but writing this out is a form of acceptance of the facts that are; grass root reality is ugly and there exist no civility in dog eat dog world - there are only pretensions.

I am not a hoarder, yet I believe to be ahead of the financial curve such that there is enough to maintain decent buffer between my family pack and the wild dogs. So yeah, bring it on I could have a tiring moment but not a defeating one.

PS:    Much thanks to the provider of all, for giving strength and guidance to navigate these times and abundant fruits while I am at it.

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