Tuesday, November 29, 2016


I heard this term for the first time three weeks back, sitting over drinks with two friends late evening and Indian Prime Minister explaining the word's meaning on a live telecast. Shock and Awe, Blitzkrieg, Ambush, Raid - few of the terms that immediately flashed through my mind. What followed was men going haywire as kids, suddenly announced that what they have been preparing in all the while, is now OUT OF SYLLABUS.

As I write, implications of this move are slowly surfacing, as the public at large is trying to absorb the sudden jolt. In no way I am in a position to comment on worthiness of this step, but it sure feels that somebody is trying to do something about what has only been talked about so far but never acted upon; even if it is on the face of it. There are just too many aspects to this step, that no matter how big an economist you might be, yet you cannot judge it definitively. As Marcus Aurelius rightly said, "Everything we hear is an opinion not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."

Such was the black money whip, that even the National Cry Baby (AAP) took a while to shed few tears out of compulsiveness. Full marks to Team Modi for its clandestineness. While this step has definitely racheted Mr. Modi's rank in popularity chart of the masses, but what seems alarming at this point is the margin with which he leads others. With no worthwhile opposition, there is too much power running behind the current Indian Prime Minister. Surely Team Modi has the pressure to make this work, as its clear that this move can go from his meteoric rise to his nemesis in no time. Lets see how the gamble plays.

For now, there is too much activity - amendments and new laws every now and then - a big disruption to way of things; which is good for evolution. Personally, I endorse this move not because it didn't affect me in any way but because somebody seems to show intent to correct the wrong.

Good Luck India

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